


Et markedsføringsinitiativ, der har til formål at styrke en virksomheds brand identity, budskab og brand awareness over for (potentielle) kunder via lyd.


Audio branding, sonic branding, acoustic branding

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De 4 p´er

(1) Forkortelse for: Produkt, Pris, Placering og Promotion. De 4 p’er beskæftiger sig med virksomheder, der sælger fysiske produkter og betegnes som et planlagt mix af kontrollerbare elementer i marketingplanen. Elementerne justeres, så den tjener kunden bedst og hvor der opnås optimal indkomst.. . Product: Identifikation, udvælgelse og udvikling af et produkt.. Price: Fastsættelse af pris på et produktet, der sælges.. Place: Udvælgelse af distributionskanal for at nå kunderne.. Promotion: En betegnelse for udvikling og implementering af en virksomheds promoveringsstrategi.. . (2) Forkortelse for: People, Planet, Profit og Purpose. En betegnelse for, at virksomheder bør være ansvarlige for mennesker (fattigdom, sociale hensyn, menneskerettigheder mv.), jordkloden (bæredygtighed, miljø), profit (økonomi) samt kultur/spiritualitet (mangfoldighed, mening) i deres daglige drift.


Et strategisk initiativ, der har til formål at en virksomhed aftager sine varer eller serviceydelser på et givent marked. Definitionen på markedsføring er mange - her et uddrag:. . Kotler & Armstrong: “The process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.”. . Bennett: “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.”. . Armstrong et al.: “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large.”. . Jefkins: “Marketing is in the communication business - call it branding, labelling, advertising, research, public relations, instruction manuelas, what you like; it is not easily tucked away in one of the 4 Ps (Product, Price, Place or Promotion), although much of it has to do with the promotional P. Nevertheless, if we take a broad view of marketing communications, it cannot be compartmentalised or used as an umbrella: it flows like a telephone cable linking up numerous users.”. . Glynn & Barnes: “Marketing is the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of mainly long-term profitable relationships with customers and other stakeholders. This is achieved by an on-going mutually beneficial exchange process, including the fulfillment of promises, and is facilitated by the application of the marketing mix.”