
Forkortelse for: Business-to-business
En betegnelse for, at en virksomheds forretning og forretningsmodel henvender sig til andre virksomheder. Virksomheder på b2b-markedet er ofte karakteriseret ved produktion af større mængder, konkurrencedygtige- og stabile priser, hurtige leveringstider m.m.


Chaffey, D. & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital marketing - Strategy, implementation and practice. Pearson, 7. udgave

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Business Plan

En beskrivelse af en kommende eller etableret virksomhed og dens formål, organisationsstruktur, aktiviteter, vision, distribution, finansiering m.m. henvendt mulige investorer, grundlæggere, partnere eller ledelse. Definitionen på forretningsplan er mange - her et uddrag:. . Smolka et al.: “A business plan is a written document that describes all the aspects of a business venture in a concise manner. It is usually necessary to have a written business plan to raise money and attract high-quality business partners.”. . Barringer & Ireland: “A business plan is a written narrative, typically 25 to 35 pages long, that describes what a new business intends to accomplish and how it intends to accomplish it.”. . Small Medium Administration (US): “En forretningsplan definerer din virksomhed præcist, identificerer dine mål og fungerer som din virksomheds CV. Dets grundkomponenter omfatter en løbende balance, en resultatopgørelse og en cash flow-analyse. Det hjælper dig med at allokere dine ressourcer korrekt, håndtere uforudsete udfordringer og træffe de rigtige beslutninger.”

Business Case

Et styringsværktøj til at vurdere, hvordan en bestemt beslutning (investering, fusion, tilbud, projekt m.m.) påvirker rentabiliteten i en virksomhed. Definitionen på Business Case er mange - her et uddrag:. . Gambles: “A business case is a recommendation to decision makers to take a particular course of action for the organisation, supported by an analysis of its benefits, costs and risks compared to the realistic alternatives, with an explanation of how it can best be implemented.”. . Prince2: “to provide a structure to judge whether the Business Case is desirable, viable, achievable and worth the continued investment that is made during the project”.

Business model

Oversat: Forretningsmodel. En overordnet beskrivelse af midler og metoder, som en virksomhed anvender til at tjene penge. Med en forretningsplan kan man betragte virksomheden som et system, hvis vigtigste opgave er at tjene penge til at overleve og vokse. Definitionen på business model er mange - her et uddrag:. . Osterwalder & Pigneur: “A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.”. . Morris et al.: “A business model is a concise representation of how an interrelated set of decision variables in the areas of venture strategy, architecture, and economics are addressed to create sustainable competitive advantage in defined markets.”. . Teece: “In short, a business model defines how the enterprise creates and delivers value to customers, and then converts payments received to profits.”