Code of conduct

Code of conduct


En betegnelse for principper, standarder og regler i en virksomhed eller organisation, der styrer beslutninger, procedurer og systemer med det formål at tage et socialt ansvar/være ansvarlige over for omgivelserne.

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Social innovation

Gennemførelse af nye idéer, hvor formålet er at løse sociale- og samfundsmæssige udfordringer og at løse problemstillingerne bedre end de eksisterende. Definitionen på social innovation er mange - her et uddrag:. . BEPA: “Social value by providing new solutions to unsolved social challenges through participatory and empowering processes.”. . Moulaert et al.: “Social innovation thus appears as the foundation for an alternative to the neoliberalist societal vision. Favouring solidarity over individualism, integration over sectoralization, and collaboration over division..(..)..At the epistemological level, this alternative vision considers social innovation as part of a paradigm shift. Knowledge is to be the result of a co-construction, a collaborative effort of researchers and actors, and should take account of local and global factors in a holistic and sustainable perspective. At the ethical level, social innovations function as a means to learn collectively and to increase the capabilities of the most vulnerable people to better their living conditions.”. . Herrera: “Social innovation is a measureable, replicable initiative that uses a new concept or a new application of an existing concept to create share- holder and social value. Identifying drivers, enablers, and barriers to idea generation, experimentation, and implementation is critical to understanding CSI institutionalization.”

Corporate Social Investment (CSI)

Et begreb, der til dels minder om corporate social responsibility (CSR), og som betegner en virksomhed eller organisations overordnede tilgang til at forbedre samfundets sociale, miljømæssige og økonomiske forhold. Det er meget forskelligt, hvilke initiativer, virksomheder igangsætter for behandle de samfundsrelaterede udfordringer, herunder donationer til mennesker i nød, udstedelse af stipendium for at tilskynde medarbejdere, initiativer for at reducere CO2 m.m.