Internet of Things

Internet of Things


En betegnelse for en teknologi, som gør det muligt at forbinde enheder til internettet, så de kan kommunikere med hinanden og sende nødvendige data med det formål at forbedre hverdagen. IoT betegner forbindelsen af næsten ethvert objekt og enhed til internettets netværk, fx i det offentlige rum, på arbejdspladsen og hjemme vil alle slags genstande og sensorer indsamle data og udveksle disse med hinanden og med mennesker.


OECD (Center for Educational Research and Innovation). (2009). Beyond textbooks – Digital learning resources as systemic innovation in the Nordic countries.

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Industri 4.0

En overordnet betegnelse for den fjerde industrielle revolution. Industri 4.0 er baseret på digitalisering og betegner mængden af nye, hurtigere og billigere teknologier, som virksomheder kan udnytte til nye produkter, processer og services. Definitionen på Industri 4.0 er mange - her et uddrag:. . Hermann et al. “Industrie 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain organization. Within the modular structured Smart Factories of Industrie 4.0, CPS monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over the IoT, CPS communicate and cooperate with each other and humans in real time. Via the IoS, both internal and cross-organizational services are offered and utilized by participants of the value chain.”. . Gilchrist: “Industry 4.0 is essentially a revised approach to manufacturing that makes use of the latest technological inventions and innovations, particularly in merging operational and information and communication technology.”. . Ras et al.: “A coordinated push for automation, big data, and internet-of-things in the smart factory and other cyber-physical systems (CPS).”


Forkortelse for: Cyber physical system. En betegnelse for en mekanisme, der styres eller overvåges af computerbaserede algoritmer, som er tæt integreret med internettets og dets brugere. Definitionen på CPS er mange - her et uddrag:. . Hermann et al.: “An important component of Industrie 4.0 is the fusion of the physical and the virtual world. This fusion is made possible by Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPS are ‘integrations of computation and physical processes. Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes, usually with feedback loops where physical processes affect computations and vice versa.” Zhong et al: “... a mechanism through which physical objects and software are closely intertwined, enabling different components to interact with each other in a myriad of ways to exchange information.”

Internet of People

En betegnelse for en teknologi, som refererer til digitaliseringen af forholdet mellem mennesker samt indsamling, behandling og brug af personlige oplysninger. Definitionen på Internet of People er mange - her et uddrag:. . Miranda: “IoT scenario, technology would take people’s context into account, learn from it, and take proactive steps according to their situation and expectations, avoiding user intervention as much as possible.”. . Vilarinho: “… physical things, due to their specialized form factors and affordances, can offer rich and natural interaction mechanisms in many social interaction scenarios. Our aim is to use things to enrich the digital representations of people and things so that interactions in the digital world can become richer and more natural and resemble those in the physical world, in what we call Physically Embedded Social Interaction (PESI)”

Internet of Service

En betegnelse for en teknologi, som gør det muligt for tjenesteudbydere at tilbyde deres tjenester via internettet. Definitionen på Internet of Service er mange - her et uddrag:. . Hermann et al.: “The Internet of Services (IoS) enables service vendors to offer their services via the internet. The IoS consists of participants, an infrastructure for services, business models and the services themselves. Services are offered and combined into value-added services by various suppliers; they are communicated to users as well as consumers and are accessed by them via various channels.”