En proces, der bruges til at udvikle nye forretningsmodeller, produkter eller tjenester i en eksisterende organisation for at skabe værdi og generere ny indtægt gennem en entreprenant tankegang og handling. Definitionen på corporate entrepreneurship er mange - her et uddrag:
Barringer & Ireland: “Behavioral orientation exhibited by established firms with an entrepreneurial emphasis that is proactive, innovative, and risk taking.”
Burgelman: “the process whereby the firms engage in diversification through internal development. Such diversification requires new resource combinations to extend the firm’s activities in areas unrelated, or marginally related, to its current domain of competence.”
Chung & Gibbons: “Corporate entrepreneurship is an organizational process for transforming individual ideas into collective actions through the management of uncertainties.”
Barringer, B., R. & Ireland, R., D. (2019): Entrepreneurship - Successfully Launching New Ventures. 6. udgave. Pearson Education Limited.
Burgelman, R. A. (1983): Corporate entrepreneurship and strategic management – insights from a process study. Management Science, 29 (12): 1349–1364.
Chung, L. H, and Gibbons, P. T. (1997): Corporate entrepreneurship: The roles of ideology and social capital Group and Organization Management, 22(l), 10–30.